Friday 5 July 2013

Green Mango Curd

This curd can be used in puddings, cakes or even on toast!
You will need:-
1 large green mango
80g of caster sugar
60g of butter
2 egg yolks

Peel and remove the stone from the mango. Put the mango flesh into a blender and blend into a fine pulp, pour the pulp into a sieve that is placed over a large saucepan. Use the back of a spoon to push the pulp through the sieve, this will remove all the fibres in the mango.

Add 2 egg yolks, 80g of caster sugar and 60g of butter (chopped) to the mango pulp in the saucepan. Heat this over a low heat, stirring constantly for 10-15mins until the mixture thickens. When the curd is thick, place into a sterilised jar and leave to cool for an hour in the refrigerator.

Tip: You could also use a red mango to give a sweeter curd, whilst the green mango gives a nice sourness.

Enjoy! x

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