Monday 2 March 2015

Coconut Creme Brûlée (Dairy-Free)

You will need:
1 can of coconut cream
5 egg yolks
1tsp of vanilla extract
120g of caster sugar (please extra for sprinkling)

Preheat the oven to 160C. Empty a can of coconut cream into a saucepan and heat this over a very low heat.  Whilst the coconut cream is heating, separate the yolks of five eggs and place them into a large bowl, then add 120g of caster sugar. Whisk the sugar and egg yolks until the mixture is fluffy and pale yellow.

Once the coconut cream starts to simmer, stir in the vanilla extract. Take this off the heat, add a little of the coconut cream to the egg mixture while stirring and leave this to sit for a minute. This tempers the eggs to prevent them from scrambling when you add the hot coconut milk. Once the mixture has stood for a minute, gently add the rest off the coconut milk whilst stirring.

Place 5-6 ramekins into a deep roasting tin. Fill the ramekins with the Creme Brûlée mixture. Pour boiling water into the baking tray the ramekins are sitting in, filling the tray until the water reaches halfway up the ramekins. Gently place the tray into the oven and bake this for 30-35minutes, until firm but with a little wobble in the centre.

When ready, take them out of the oven and let them cool until you can handle the ramekins. Sprinkle a thin layer of caster sugar over the top and use a blow torch to melt this (you can find these in all good cook shops).


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