Wednesday 29 May 2013

Millionaires' shortbread cheesecake

Millionaires' shortbread cheesecake 
You will need:-
100g of white sugar
60ml of water
118ml of cream
225g of digestive biscuits
60g of melted butter
100g of finely chopped chocolate
600g of soft cheese
A pot of double cream

I came across this cheesecake when working in a seaside cafe in Amroth. Millionaires' shortbread is possibly my most favourite cheeky treat, so when my boss made this cheesecake, I had to give it a go myself!

First, make the caramel. Heat 100g of white sugar and 60ml of water in a saucepan or frying pan, stir until the sugar has dissolved (don't stir again after this point). Then, wait for the mixture to turn a light brown colour and take it off the heat. (Be very careful, the sugar is extremely hot and can cause serious burns if touched). When the caramel is ready, pour in half a cup of cream (about 118ml) and stir until combined.

Now, make the cheesecake base by adding 225g of digestive biscuits to 60g of melted butter into a large bowl and combine (if you would like an extra special treat, use 225g of shortbread biscuits). Press this mixture into the bottom of a cheesecake tin and leave in the refrigerator to set.

When the base is set, spread the caramel over the top, but save a little behind for the cream cheese topping. I use a vegetarian recipe, but if you aren't vegetarian, just add 100g of finely chopped chocolate and the remaining caramel to plain cheesecake topping. To make a vegetarian cream cheese topping, I use 600g of soft cheese (sometimes I like to use half mascarpone, half cream cheese) and a pot of double cream, mixed with a hand mixer until stiff. Then add 100g of finely chopped chocolate and the caramel. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the base and finely grate chocolate over the top to finish.

(Tip: serve with a cup of tea and your feet up)

Enjoy! x

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