Friday 21 June 2013

Sweet Potato and Cider Chutney

Serving suggestion: serve with a strong cheese

This chutney is a lovely alternative to a carmelised onion or a carrot chutney. It is nice and sweet which compliments a strong cheese or a salad. The sweet potato and cider gives a unique and interesting flavour which will intrigue!

You will need:-
80g of grated sweet potato

80g of grated carrot
2 tablespoons of ground ginger
2 cloves of garlic (crushed)
128g of brown sugar
170ml of cider

Grate the sweet potato and carrot into a large pan, add the crush garlic and ginger. Cover this with water and boil for 45mins and until the water has boiled off. Pour the cider over the sweet potato and carrot mix, add the sugar and boil this for a further 45mins (or until the liquid has almost all gone).

Place this chutney into a glass jar and leave to sit for a few days, this allows the flavours to mellow.

Tip: I used pear cider as I love the combination of sweet fruit with cheeses or salads.

Enjoy! x

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