Friday 10 April 2015

Apple and Rose Tarte Tatin

You will need:
250g of plain flour
250g of cold butter cut into cubes
125ml of cold water
4 apples, cored
50g of caster sugar
1tbsp of rose syrup (or 2tbsp of caster sugar and 1/4tsp of rose water)

Preheat the oven to 250C. First make the rough puff pastry. Use your finger tips to rub together the butter and flour in a large bowl, until the mixture forms breadcrumbs. Then slowly add the water until it forms a firm dough. Cover the pastry in clingfilm and put into the fridge to cool.

Now you can prepare the apples. Remove the core of the apple using a corer. Leaving the skin on the apples, cut the apple in half and then cut lengthways into quarters. Use a cheese slicer to cut thin slices of apple (alternatively, use a very sharp knife).

Using a large, heavy bottomed pan (use a pan without a plastic handle), make the syrup. You can either simply buy a ready-made rose syrup from any good cook shop, or quickly make one. If you would like to make one, put the caster sugar into the pan and heat on a medium heat until bubbling and golden brown (try not to stir the mixture). Then add the rose water to the sugar and move the pan around to mix it in.

Once you have made the syrup (or heated the ready-made syrup). Take the pan off the heat and gently place the apple slices into the pan, starting from the centre and working your way out to form a rose petal pattern. Heat the pan again on a low heat, and reduce the syrup a little to caramelise the apples. 

Whilst apples caramelise, roll out the cooled pastry and use a large plate to cut out a circle of pastry. Remove the pan from the heat and gently place the pastry over the apples, tucking the edges of the pastry in around the pan. Put the pan into the oven for about 20-25mins or until the pastry is golden brown.

Once out of the oven, allow the tarte to sit for a minute. Place a plate over the top of the pan and using a tea towel to protect your hands, flip the pan and allow the tarte tatin to come out of the pan and drop onto the plate.

Serve warm with ice cream.

Enjoy! x

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