Tuesday 7 April 2015

Blueberry Ombre Cheesecake

You will need:
150g of digestive biscuits
74g of butter
300g of cream cheese
30g of blueberry yoghurt
10g of vegetarian gelatine
100g of icing sugar
Rind of half a lemon
300ml of double cream

Crush the digestive biscuits in a large bowl, using the end of a rolling pin. Melt the butter and pour this over the biscuits, stirring it to evenly coat the biscuits. Press the biscuits into the bottom of a cheesecake tin, ensuring that it is evenly distributed. Place in the fridge to allow the butter to set.

Beat together the cream cheese, yoghurt, lemon ring and icing sugar. Whip the double cream until it firms stiff peaks and fold this into the cream cheese mixture.

For the next few steps, you will need to work fairly quickly. Dissolve 10g of vegetarian (or normal gelatine if you prefer) in 2-3tbsp of boiling water. Gently fold this into the cream cheese mix.

Split the cream cheese mixture into three bowls. Put purple colouring into two of the bowls (one with slightly more than the other) and mix until evenly distributed.

Take the biscuit base out of the fridge and pour the dark purple mixture over the top, using a spatular to spread it out to the edges. Gently pour the light purple mix into the tin and gently spread out with a clean spatular. Repeat with the white cream cheese mix.

Leave this in the fridge over night to set.

I used viola pansies to decorate, but this is optional.

Enjoy! x

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